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Greg's Story


Who am I you might ask?


I am a husband to another wonderful coach, a father to three awesome kids and one fantastic daughter-in-law, a babu (Swahili for grandfather) to one, and a child of the one true God.  He has blessed me with a patient, loving family, a sound mind, the necsssities of life, and a healthy body.  I am only recently becoming a better steward to the latter piece to that list of His blessings.


What experiences shape me?


I have dedicated my life to education by obtaining several degrees.  This is a journey I am still on as I am currently working on a Master's Degree in Geospatial Science and Technology.  I am a veteran of the United States Army, more specifically the Army Special Operations Forces.  On 9/11, I decided to marry my best friend before I shipped out.  This forced me to accept responsibility for my new wife, and also my new children.  Two years later, I separated from the Army and started a downward spiral health-wise.  Three years later, I found my spiritual path.  I am very active in my church so I hold weekly workouts as part of a Health Ministry.


What sparked my physical transformation?


Simply put, a close friend called me out.  Life had gotten in the way of health and I reached my all-time high of 215 lbs.  He simply stated, that I was out of control and offered to help.  We started this journey together and I am forever in his debt.  Thanks, Rodney.  If you haven't figured it out yet, Rodney was a Coach for Team Beachbody.  Team Beachbody and my friend started a revolution in my world.


Why did I become a Coach?


After receiving the new outlook on life, I could not help but pay it forward.  I started with my friends and family.  I won't lie, it isn't easy to get people to change.  So, I continue my journey in hopes of inspiring people to start their own.  We see the transformation photos on the infomercials and normally scoff.  "Those don't happen overnight." or "those are photo shopped." are the normal responses.  Those who know me can say for sure that my photos are real.  I don't have a six-pack (yet), but I will.  I am down 40 lbs. and counting. 


What programs have you utilized?


I started off by doing INSANITY a few times a week.  I have completed Les Mills COMBAT, Les Mills PUMP, P90X3, and Insanity Max:30 in their entirety.  I have also utilized P90, P90X, PiYo, and am now working with Body Beast.  With all of the great workouts I have used, the most important part of my journey was nutrition based.  I start every morning off with the Healthiest Meal of the Day, SHAKEOLOGY.  I could have not done this without Shakeology being a part of the trip.  It keeps me full.  It keeps me energized.  It keeps me fueled to be consistent in my workouts.  After being on Acid Reflux medications for ten years, SHAKEOLOGY has allowed me to cut them out completely.


Now, a question for you...


What is your goal?  Whatever it might be, let's get started TODAY!

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